
Congratulations to Jade from our youth program who recently won an award for her work at the Refugee Week Art Exhibition at the Adelaide Festival Centre. Working with ARA youth worker Ma-Musu Nyande, Jade has depicted Ma-Musu's refugee experience - "will I always be a refugee...

ARA Homework Clubs and Hangout/mentoring programs are back operating face-to-face. ARA Homework Clubs operate in Salisbury (Mondays), West Croydon and Park Holme (Tuesdays) and Hilton (Thursdays). While face-to-face clubs were postponed in term 2, they are returning in term 3. In conjunction with the...

Remember how hard homework could be? The questions are difficult, there are time constraints and you don’t have your teacher on hand to help you when you when you get stuck. Well, now imagine you’re freshly arrived on Australian shores, you’ve been forced to leave your...

ARA Homework Clubs will be returning from Monday the 1st of February, the sessions are located at Salisbury (Mondays), West Croydon and Park Holme (Tuesdays) and Hilton (Thursdays), there is also an online session on Thursday afternoons for anyone who can’t attend in person. ARA Homework...

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