29 Jun New videos explain COVID-19 vaccination in language

New videos explain COVID-19 vaccination in language
ARA has produced new videos in language to share accurate information about COVID-19 vaccination.
Each video features a medical professional and a member of the community explaining:
the importance of vaccination
how the vaccines were developed
the safety of the vaccines
how to find accurate information about the vaccines, and
side effects of the vaccines
The videos also show an actual vaccination appointment with a step-by step explanation and information about how to book a vaccination.
The videos are available in:
Swahili (Congolese community) – Get The Facts About COVID-19 Vaccination https://youtu.be/fbRr8r-DEIM
Kirundi (Burundian community) – Get The Facts About COVID-19 Vaccination https://youtu.be/E8h8Ea1vaHU
Hakha Chin (Burmese Chin community) Get The Facts About COVID-19 Vaccination https://youtu.be/HFQcuAIQCUU
Arabic (Syrian community) Ask a Doctor – COVID-19 Vaccination Facts https://youtu.be/d-hmDOKd6EI
Pashto (Pashtun community) Ask a Doctor – COVID-19 Vaccination Facts https://youtu.be/xhhvs4g4VU4
Access the full playlist here.
Members of South Australia’s multicultural communities can book their vaccination appointment at ARA’s pop-up Pfizer Vaccination Clinic in February and March. Call 08 8354 2951 to book an appointment.
The clinic is open on Saturday 5th February and Saturday 5th March from 9AM .
Our deepest thanks to representatives of the Burmese Chin, Burundian, Congolese, Pashtun and Syrian communities for their input and support.
The videos were made possible through a grant from Wellbeing SA.
ARA’s pop-up Vaccination Clinic in February is supported by Wellbeing SA and Athelstone Respiratory COVID Clinic.